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Entering the lottery for the Leadville 100

After seeing the movie Race Across the Sky 2010, my friends and I decided to do the Leadville 100 mountain bike race.  The most grueling and intense race in the US.  100 miles is doable right?  Then add 12,000 ft. of total climbing all above 10,000 feet.  We will have to get to Colorado early-ish (~1week) so the 2, 3 BPG in our body can rise and hemoglobins affinity for oxygen is lower to get the oxygen to your muscles better (thank you biochemistry ).
It’s all set, we’re gonna enter the lottery during Thanksgiving and hope we get picked to race.  If we do get picked, finishing in under 12 hours, we receive the coveted Leadville belt buckle.  If we finish in under 9 hours, we get the big mama gold buckle.

This race is going to involve a great amount of endurance training, but in the end it is going to be one of our greatest accomplishments and the hardest thing that we will ever do physically.  Our bodies will be pushed to their limits and as the race director for Leadville; Ken Chlouber says You’re better than you think you are and you can do more than you think you can!”

Take a look at the Trailer for the movie released this year:

Race Across the Sky 2010 Trailer


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