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PT School Has Changed My Life and I’ve Just Started

(EDIT: 2017 – The Knee pain was due to the misalignment of the bone structure due to the L5-S1 spondylolisthesis and spinal alignment.  Upon relocating it into a Spondylolysis, performing knee exercises and utilizing a cannabis anti-inflammatory and awareness regimen, the knee pain cause was resolved.)

Eight months ago was the start of my patellofemoral pain from a training injury preparing for the upcoming mountain bike season.  I have been struggling with knee pain ever since and I will say if it wasn’t for the knowledge I’ve been getting in PT school, I would not be on the road for recovery.  After only learning just a little bit about proper biomechanics and speaking with one of my professors and an upward trajectory is here.
All it took was learning how to properly engage the gluteus muscles.  Having weak posterior chain muscles significantly increases injury in cyclists.
Honestly, I am feeling stronger just by bending over properly EVERY SINGLE TIME and really paying attention to how my body is positioned in space.

The main thing that I did to change my power on the bike was to use my glute muscles to initiate, continue, and finish the stroke.  This takes pressure off of the knees, thereby allowing your body to limit its tension on the knee.
Proper biomechanics along with intensive foam rolling of my muscle groups has truly impacted my quality of life.

How do I know I’m on the right track?
I just completed back to back rides on my Hardtail on singletrack without any pain afterwards in 40 degree temperature.  This was not possible before the PT school intervention!
I cannot wait to get back to racing my bike for next season..  I will be even stronger with all this knowledge of injury prevention.

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Strength From Repetition.

August 2012:

Leadville 100.  I’m so glad I could be a part of the pit crew for my friends.  Happy to see each one of them finish!

Turns out I racked up enough points to win the Michigan XC series for Expert 19-29!  First huge accomplishment of the year!

September 2012:

Mad Anthony CX 2012:

      High intensity cross racing is wild!  I managed to get 16/45ish people.  Not too shabby for a great day at Detroit’s historic Fort Wayne!

Lake Orion CX Day 1 and Day 2:

       It  was time to lay down some power down on this course.  Day 1 I worked my way up to 7th and was content with that.  The next day I pushed hard at the end while everyone was fading.  I managed to gain several spots on the last lap after having my mountain bike skills on lock-down during some technical sections.  I wound up 3rd place after a hard fight!
My first Cross podium ever!

Iceman 2012:


This is the golden race of the year and everyone looks forward to it being the culmination of a long season.  I started off in wave 4 way in the back after getting to the start line later then I wanted. I immediately put the hammer down as the wave went off and found myself sitting 3rd wheel to the group of 100 riders.  It amazes me how many people were pushing hard in the beginning and as soon as we started climbing baby hills, the large lead group trickled down to several riders.  I found myself working with 3 other people during half of the race.  We did get slowed down considerably by a tandem in the single track but that wont happen next year since my time of 1:57 will probably get me into wave 1 :)!  I found myself riding with some of my teammates during the race which was a nice cap to the season.  The snow towards the last half of the race was amazingly beautiful as it blanketed the trees!  I wish I had time to take pictures and stop to appreciate the beauty.

I finished in 5th/96 for the 19-24 age group which made this my first time on the podium at Iceman!  I can’t wait for next year as training has already started.

My next pressing question is should I stick with Expert or join the big leagues and step up to Pro?  Riding with faster people only makes you more powerful… Only time [and a successful winter training program] will tell.  Scratch that, it takes a total commitment to race Elite and I will push myself until I achieve the highest level possible.

Until Next time!

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Brighton 2 Day Stage Race aka the day 2 mud fest

We had 3 Races this past weekend and moving up to the Expert 19-29 class this year, I had a ton of work to do.
All Ages Results from the Race

1.  The Torn Shirt Loop Time Trial
2.  The Short Track XC
3.  The Murray Lake XC

  1.  The Torn Shirt Loop was quite the challenge.  I placed 5th this race but this was only the start of the weekend.  A little bit of dirt to exfoliate the skin!

2.  The Short Track XC

Wow…I’ve never raced cyclocross before in my life.  3rd place in this stage!

Relaxing After Day 1:

3.  The Murray Lake XC

Took a 4th on the podium.

The weekend ended and I took a 3rd in the overall Expert Mens 19-29!

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Paramore – Sweetness (Jimmy Eat World Cover)

March 27, 2008 Hard Rock Live, Orlando

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Paramore – Misery Business (89x Stole Christmas 10)

Paramore Playing Misery Business at the night 89x stole christmas 10 at The Fillmore, 12/17/2007