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Addison Oaks TT, STXC, XC

This past weekend was the 2 day stage race at Addison Oaks.  The weekend hit full force with the first day consisting of a time trial and then a short track.  The next day was an XC.
Full Results here:
Day 1 ResultsDay 2 Results


Saturday’s TT was over very fast.  I will say that I was at the upper level of my heart rate with an average HR of 202 and a max of 210!  I managed a 1st place in this race!

Short Track XC:

This was definitely my FAVORITE race of the weekend.  All of the experts started off in a mass start.  I started off in the lead pack and continued to hammer on.  After several laps I was still in the lead pack with 3 other top Expert riders (Don Cameron, John Osgood, and Jim Bonnell) and the field was all behind us.  How did this happen!?  I kept trying to channel out the pain considering I averaged a HR of 202 and a max of 211!  I managed to get 1st place in my age group and 3rd place in the entire Expert field.

These photos are credit to John Osgoods blog:

For winning overall on Saturday, I also got an endless bowl of Coldstone Creamery so when I feel like really splurging, I can go all out!


Sunday came around but the legs did not seem to be content with yesterday’s beating.  I felt the efforts I put out on Saturday and I had to deal with it.  I tried getting to the front of the field as we started and that worked for around a lap of the course.  I could not keep up the pace that Kelly Sugg was dishing out and had to slow down or I would suffer later in the race.  During the 2nd and 3rd laps I was able to hang with Brad Lako and John Osgood for some time.  I took the 4th lap easy.

Had a great weekend.  Can’t wait for the next race and the Leadville 100!

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Leadville 100! This Year1

This is my second time entering the Leadville 100 lottery and I received another rejection email for the second year in a row.  I was bummed but one of my teammates; Tom Lining, suggested I check out the Facebook page of Platypus Hydration because they were having a contest where they put together a team of 8 riders who get a entry to the race, a team kit, and a hydration pack.

I was picked to race the LT100 this year with Team Platy, I’m so stoked!

This was last years team at their photoshoot and now the journey begins for me…

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Leadville 100? Finally!

This is my second time entering the Leadville 100 lottery and I received another rejection email for the second year in a row.  I was bummed but one of my teammates; Tom Lining, suggested I check out the Facebook page of Platypus Hydration because they were having a contest where they put together a team of 8 riders who get a entry to the race, a team kit, and a hydration pack.

I was picked to race the LT100 this year with Team Platy!
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Update on the End of the Season

I did six cyclocross races this season and placed from the 10’s-20’s in the B category.  Its a fun sport to keep me in shape, I must say!

I finished Iceman in under 2 hours which was pretty good considering I was in an unseeded wave and started all the way back in wave 19.  That placed me in 19th place out of 99 for men 19-24.

I’m also down 17 pounds from the beginning of the season so that is very exciting.  I have to watch my calorie intake so I can come out next season fighting strong.

I am ready to take the next step and bring my fitness to a higher level.  My goal still remains to make it to the elite class in 2 years.  I just have to stay focused.

I also applied to be in the Leadville 100 mtb race this year, once again.  My fingers are crossed!  Either way, my plans include the Lumberjack 100 and the Tailwind Michigan mtb series.

Iceman 2011

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Pontiac Lake XC Race 2011

      -Dave Howard killing it
      The Experts had 30 miles so that called for a good 2.5 hour race on the beautiful Sunday morning.  The trail was tacky and I would say that the conditions were perfect!  There were around 10 guys in my category and I knew this would be a fun and tough race but, this was my home trail and having this advantage was pretty crucial.  There was one guy talking how he has never ridden there before which, as the whistle blew, he went in front of me.  I immediately had to pass him and a couple of people because there pace was not cutting it for me.

-Just before the pass is made

The first lap goes by and we are now divided into 2 groups.  There were 2 guys in the front that were no where in sight and I was leading the second group in third place.  As we neared the 1st checkpoint, I tried refueling my electrolyte shortage.
I got back into a rhythm where Jesse Gould and I started working together and stayed together for the remainder of the 2nd lap.  I told him to take off because I couldn’t keep up at this point.

I was glad to have the support cheering me on from friends and family!  Thanks guys!

I wound up taking a podium spot with a 5th in Expert Mens 19-29 with lap times of 42, 45, and a 53 minutes.  Not bad for a rookie expert!  Im definitely satisfied and ready for the Stony Creek Marathon in less than ONE week!

Garmin file: