Founder Position: Normal, Narrow, Wide Legged4:11
Lunge Decompression and Woodpecker00:06:27
Standing Decompression00:03:18
Supine Decompression3:15
Prone Decompression00:04:30
Internal Leg Tracing00:01:35
Crossover Stretch00:01:15
Anchored Back Extension and Anchored Bridge00:02:28
Kneeling Founder Position00:00:54
Lateral Founder00:01:06
Standing Internal Leg Tracing00:1:21
Surf Squat00:01:09
Gorilla Lift00:01:04
Tracing and Hand Positions00:02:07
Forward Fold with Decompression00:01:03
8 Point Plank00:01:16
Hemp (Cannabis Ruderalis) Steam Aromatherapy00:07:04
Decompression Training Exercises PDF